Big dreams, small budget

What happened that lately before any bigger trip we shall function in a ‘saving mode’? asked our pappy one of these days when I decided that I do not really need yet another dress (which I really loved though!)

Well, my dear, our kids grow, and so do the travel expenses.

Indeed, our little explorers are not babies anymore and since Elin turned four last year we entered the period when we have to pay for 4. Luckily, the child fares still apply in most of the cases (we should be ‘safe’ for the next four years before Tilius turns 12). So how do we fit our big travel dreams into a modest budget?

In order to profit from the flight deals, we embrace the adventure – instead of first deciding destination and then looking for the flights, we start by checking where the flight offers would bring us and then decide if it sounds interesting. The place shall be safe and not visited yet and then, I believe, there is always something worth discovering. By the way, I think the best time to hunt for a bargain flight is in January.

Accommodation is a next big line in the travel budget and it takes some patience and research to find a nice and cheap place. The problem is that many hotels are not equipped to accommodate four people in a room but luckily the latest trends in apartment sharing and renting, such as Airbnb, allow for the families to get the best price and comfort combination. Plus having kitchenette is a real saver when travelling to different time zones. It allows having breakfast at lunchtime or making quick pasta dish well after midnight if internal clock requires some supper then and not before. It also allows saving few euros to be used for amusement park rather than paying hotel breakfast. But holidays are holidays so we shouldn’t spend them cooking!

As for the entertainment expenses that also eat up some important part of the budget, I usually check for offers or discounted tickets on the Internet. I think the most expensive way to get to an amusement park, a zoo, a tour or a museum is to buy the tickets near entrance! There are many offers on the web so some research is needed again especially because some websites have better offers in one country or region while not so good for the other places. But you will surely get some discount buying online, even if small, but when multiplied by all family members and by number of places to visit, it gets to a nice dinner saved.

Finally about food. I wouldn’t say we are saving on food when we eat at the street markets or street food stalls because we love trying new dishes and discovering new tastes. Saving is just a side effect of the experience. And when the kids get very tired of all the exotics they want to go to ..McDonalds which definitely does not break the bank.

So small budget should not preclude you from dreaming big and travelling far and away. But it is true that it requires more planning and more research than a weekend trip to a countryside. On the other hand, hunting for bargains may be addictive. I am already not sure what I enjoy better – going on a trip or organising it. So beware, you may actually like it!

Photo: infinity pool with the view over Kuala Lumpur that came with our rented appartment (48 euros/night!)